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Real Deal

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1. Why do you like Icarly??


It's actually a pretty good show. I forget why I started watching it, but after 1 or 2 episodes I was hooked.

2. It happens again, can i borrow 5 bucks?


Yeah I guess... <_< but you better pay me back :brucelee:


3. Mavs > Rest of the Nba right?


Second best, the Knicks are the best :rolleyes:


4. If you had 7 apples and Smitty asked for 2, who would Real Deals favorite player be LOL


First off, I'd give Smitty his 2 apples :wub:, and that's a toughie, he's from Kansas, maybe a Jayhawk? I don't know I'm going to have to go out on a limb here and say Kobe Bryant... :lol:




1. Rank the following from sexiest to least sexy: David Wright, Tony Romo, Jose Reyes, Carlos Beltran's mole, Mike Pelfrey


David Wright -- The rest do not matter, :( sorry Tony


2. Why the hell do you like the Cowboys??


My brother who is 9 years older than me was born in Texas in 1981, in 1987 my family moved out to Utica, NY and my sister was born, in 1990 I was born in Cold Spring, NY. My mother nor father nor even sister were into sports and the only sport my brother liked was football, guess what his favorite team was?


3. Rank the following from sexiest to least sexy: Chase Utley, Jayson Werth, Jimmy Rollins, Shane Victorino


How about [expletive]ty to [expletive]tiest: Shane Victorino, Chase Utley, Jayson Werth, Jimmy Rollins


4. Favorite Philadelphia team?


Wow, toughest question you've asked...The 76ers

5. Favorite OTR Philadelphia fan?

Uhm, Smitty :D


Bounding And Astounding

1. Least favorite Knick of all time


McDyess or Curry, probably McDyess


2. Outcome of 2010 summer free agency? Who do the Knicks get?


David Lee, Rudy Gay, and...LeBron James!


3. Mets final record and place in NL East?




4. Next major championship for one of your teams and what year?


Dallas Cowboys - 2010-2011 Season

5. Most hated member on OTR?

Top 3:

1. HipHopHead

2. Erick Blasco

3. Lkr

6. Most annoying member on OTR?


Top 3:

1. Prodigy

2. Prodigy

3. Prodigy



1. Why are you a Cowboys fan if you're not from Dallas.


See Phightins second question...

2. Do you feel ashamed to be a fellow fish like Kingfish


Some what actually...lol


3. If you had to pick another race, what would you wanna be?




4. Is Smitty an Uncle Tom?


How you think he became a mod ;)

5. One place you wanna be right now?


I am fine with where I am, but I wouldn't mind visiting Las Vegas..

6. If you could be anyone, who would you be?


Omar Minaya, or Tony Romo...


7. How is T-Mac doing?


Quite good considering his main job was to clear cap space

8. The Mavs choke every year in the playoffs?


Lol as long as they keep Dirk

9. Favorite Admin/Mod on OTR?


Hm, Smitty or Gamerguy


10. Dream car?




1. Why is your name fish


Last name is Fisher, it's a nickname...


2. Whats your favorite fish


Sword fish I guess

3. Do you have a pet fish?


Not anymore...


4. Whens the last time you ate fish?


Can't remember


5. Are you afraid of nyc?


New York is actually one of the safer cities in the US when you consider it's incredible population, and to answer your question, no not at all.




1) lol, romo


lol, jealousy, Manning makes 1 mil a game pal, good luck with that...


2) dez bryant. thoughts?


Very excited, not too many big play receivers have passed through Dallas since Irvin left...

3) who do you think the knicks will pick up in the offseason


Lee, LeBron and Gay

4) ever get mugged?




5) really... icarly? hahaha


You should watch it before you judge...




1) romo or mcnabb? (right now or in mcnabbs prime, w/e)


Last year? Romo, This year? Romo, Prime? McNabb

2) what would you do if you got hired for a great, well paying job, but it required you to permanently move to philly (live in the city)? would you take the job and live with philly fans for the rest of your life?


Sure as long as I don't have to become one :)

3) what would you do if david wright got traded to the phillies


I'd probably cry, no joke...

4) favorite philadelphia athlete


Allen Iverson


5) most hated philadelphia athlete


Jimmy Rollins



1. Do you think Kingfish has a wittle weenie?

:rolleyes: You'll be missed

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Real Deal


1) Gun to your head...you have to have a favorite NBA team. Pick one, NOW.


Okay, I have to answer this question. Based on proximity and my childhood, I’d say the Knicks, and based on the team I enjoy watching play the most, I’ll say the Jazz. But I often find Knicks’ games unbearable to watch, and if the Jazz ever stop trying so hard, they’ll be just another team too, sort of like this year’s Rockets after the Kevin Martin trade.


2) You write for one newspaper/website on a professional level (not OTR). Which do you pick?


With FoxSports, I’d probably just parrot Charley Rosen, ESPN has the best assemblage of top writers (and even their bloggers are really good) but I wouldn‘t stand out amongst their quantity. Even though Basketball Prospectus is very math-centered, I think it would be really cool to write for them. I’d only write online though, newspapers have more time and space restrictions.


3) ESPN Magazine, or Sports Illustrated?


I used to get SI when I was younger so let’s go with ESPN Magazine, even though I’ve never read it.

4) List the following in order, based on their defensive abilities, all in their primes: Bruce Bowen, Ben Wallace, Shane Battier, Jason Kidd, Raja Bell, Andrei Kirilenko, Shawn Marion, James Posey, Tayshaun Prince, Ron Artest. I know you'll enjoy this question most, lol.


Artest in his prime was the best because he could guard all wings, and some power forwards and even centers. I’ve seen him hold his own defending Eddy Curry. He was nearly flawless as a defender.


Wallace could get overpowered, but he had the defensive range of Garnett. He’d be second.


The seasons when James Posey was in shape, he could lock down anybody on the perimeter, and he was such an [expletive] that opponents let him get under their skin. He was super physical and moved well on the perimeter. Of course he’s only played this way for about three seasons.


Battier isn’t ultra strong or athletic, but he prepares so well that he can anticipate what’s happening and force the offensive player away from what he wants to do. Plus, he’s underrated as a weak-side helper and shot blocker.


Bowen was as good as you get in terms of technique. His only small criticism is that he wasn’t a terrific weak side shot blocker.


Bell is tough, quick, and plays with a lot of competitive fire, but is a small notch down from Battier and Bowen.


Kidd’s best attribute was that he was so much stronger than opposing point guards, but he can only guard two positions really, where these other guys have more versatility.


Kirilenko could get bullied by attacking his chest. That’s a major red flag in my book when comparing defenders of this caliber. Wallace got bullied that way too, but he worked so hard, he was always fronting post threats. Kirilenko isn’t that energetic on defense.


Prince falls into the same category as Kirilenko. In a vacuum, a good scorer can push him out of the way.


Shawn Marion made plays, but isn’t the caliber of the other players as a stopper.


So to recap:


1) Artest


3) Posey

4) Battier

5) Bowen

6) Bell

7) Kidd

8) Kirilenko

9) Prince

10) Marion



5) Full beard, goatee, mustache, or nothing at all?


I’ve had a full beard for about a year now and I have to say a beard. I used to have a goatee which was cool, I look like I’m 13 with no facial hair, and I look older with a beard. Plus with the beard, if a girl gives me a hug, all I have to do is nuzzle my face on her neck and it’s a wrap.


6) If you had to take one shot to win a championship Game 7, what one NBA player would you want defending you?


Since I’m all about winning, Kyryllo Fesenko, cause I know I’ll be able to blow by him and get an open look!

7) Everyone is suddenly required to change their first name. What would you change yours to?


I’ve always thought the name Rick was cool. It’s similar to mine, and my favorite athlete growing up was a former Met named Rick Reed. If Rick wasn’t available, I’d change my name to something stupidly ridiculous like Max Power or Rutherford B. Fragglerock,


8) Who is the best defensive player you've ever seen play?


Rodman when I was younger but I couldn’t appreciate how well he played because I was too busy rooting for the Knicks to beat the Bulls. More recently, Duncan.

9) What's a special talent you have?


I’m cursed at bad puns, lame jokes, sillyness, wordplay, spur-of-the-moment comedic timing. If you’re hanging out with me and have an offbeat sense of humor, you won’t stop laughing…or you’ll punch me in my face. One of the two.


Also, one time I stole a burger from a Burger King semi-accidentally (it was an accident until I realized I could get away without paying). Sow now I think I have a superhuman ability to sneak out of fast food restaurants with free burgers.


10) What's your favorite song out right now?


I don’t listen to the radio so I have no idea. I have some of Trey Songs’ stuff on my MP3 player and he’s new enough so I guess one of the 30 “I invented Sex” remixes. I listen to a lot of Tool, Soca, Santogold, Passion Pit, and Jean Grae. I also mashed together the beginning and closing songs of Aqua Teen Hunger Force (with smooth cuts and cross fades…yeah, you know I have a Television and Radio degree!) into one track and have been hooked on that. Dancing is Forbidden!




1 - Rap or Country music?


Do you listen to country music? Does anyone listen to country music? I’ll go with country music.


2 - Summer or winter?


My answer to question 1 is a lie, I listen to a lot more rap than country, but not much commercial rap. I have a bunch of stuff from the Okayplayers. And summer because I hate everything about the cold and like heat, humidity, and my July 22 birthday.


3 - Fries or Tacos?


I don’t like Mexican food and have actually never had a Taco. I’m more of a southwest wrap or a Quesadilla person. So fries it is.



Bounding and Astounding


1. Boobs or bottom?


I’m a bottom man.


2. Favorite music group?




3. Rank them: Hakeem, Ewing, Zo, Dike


Dikembe wasn’t ever an offensive factor so he’s fourth. Ewing was a notorious choke artist, he didn’t pass and wasn’t an alert defender. He’s third. Olajuwon had much more moves than Zo and was about on par with Alonzo so Hakeem is 1st and Mourning is 2nd.

4. Rank clutchosity: Reggie, Jordan, Kobe


Jordan’s the definition of clutchosity (which is my new favorite word), Kobe has more ways to score in the clutch so he’s second with Reggie third, even though they’re both adept in pressure situations.


5. Who ends up with the NYK this offseason?


I have no idea, I can’t predict these things.

6. Favorite movie?


Airplane! One of the funniest movies ever made. Kareem Abdul Jabbar is actually in it.


7. Pizza or burger?


One of those questions that really has no answer. I’ll go with Pizza since I had Dominoes for lunch.


8. Boxers, briefs, manties, thong, g-string, jock strap, loin cloth?


On myself? On a woman? On a display rack? Context man!


If I were wearing the items:


1) Boxers. Very comfortable.


2) Boxer-briefs. Yes, I added that to your list.


3) loin-cloth. There’s something very savage about the thought of me running around wearing a loin cloth which intrigues me.


4) Briefs. Not nearly as comfortable as a boxer. Not as much room to breathe down there. Too much information?


5) Jock Strap. If I’m wearing this at a non-sporting competition, I’m way too insecure.


6) Manties. I don’t know what a mantie is. I assume it’s some kind of panty for a man? No reason I’d be wearing that. It could also be a man-tie, which I would wear—but not necessarily on my groin. Maybe you misspelled manatee? That’s not a good look either!


7) G-String. If you’re going to have to wear female clothing, might as well make it the most provocative female clothing.


8) Thong. I would actually take the thong over the manatee.



If a woman were wearing the items:


1) G-String. If a woman is going to have to wear clothing, might as well make it the most provocative clothing.


2) Thong. Reasons similar to answer 1.


3) Manties. A woman wearing a man-tie? I like women who wear ties! A woman wearing a manatee? Hell yeah!!!


4) Loin-cloth. It’s never a bad situation when a woman is wearing a loin cloth.


5) Boxers: It’s hot when a woman wears your boxers.


6) Boxer-Briefs: Better than the rest.


7) Briefs: Briefs aren’t attractive on a woman.


8) Jock-Strap. A woman wearing a jock strap is bizarre. What exactly are you protecting? Oh…


9. Least favorite OTR'er?


Flash hates the Florida Gators, hates Eric Spoelstra, and has an irrational love for Michael Beasley that isn’t based on much. It isn’t like Poe who is actually very bright and bases his Beasley expectations on evidence, and knows a little bit about how the NBA works.


Congratulations Flash, you’ve been called out!!!


But seriously, it isn’t like a big deal, Flash is cool in my books.


10. Life ambition?


I just want to find a job I enjoy (preferably writing about basketball, but editing, and producing content are fine too), get married in my early 30’s, buy a house and have kids. I’m not an overly ambitious guy.





1. Why do you like Matt Harpring?


He’s a player who isn’t blessed with top notch athleticism or basketball skill, yet he’s carved out a very successful NBA career simply on the basis of playing as hard as he possibly can 100 percent of the time. That’s nothing if not inspiring that a person can find success if he seriously puts his mind to it. Harpring represents a triumph of the best aspects of the human condition.


2. Where college are you attending?


The where is Brooklyn. The what is Brooklyn College.

3. What is your major?


I’m a Masters student in Media Studies. I picked up my undergrad from BC in Television/Radio.


4. Do you plan on writing professionally?

Technically I do, I freelance for a small New York newspaper called amNewYork. If a company is willing to hire me to write, I’m willing to write.


5. Of the three (football, baseball, basketball) which is your least favorite sport?


Baseball. It’s a one-on-one sport disguised as a team sport. It’s boring, has limited action, and evaluations of players are based on long-term trends instead of what players actually do in single games. Baseball’s a game for people who see the world in black and white.

6. Blondes or brunettes?


Caribbean gyals

7. In your opinion what characteristic is most important in a girl, looks or personality?


If a woman doesn’t look good, she’s not getting on the radar. If she doesn’t have a nice personality, she’s dropping off the radar. I’ve fallen head over heels in love with women based on their personality and have forgotten girls who look good but can’t hold a conversation, so personality.


8. In a couple sentences, who is better, Kobe or LeBron?


Kobe. His competitive drive is more advanced, and his offensive game is more versatile. His greatness is in that competitive drive. In a regular season vacuum, LeBron is much better because of the force he plays with, his raw strength, and his ever-improving defense.


9. In a couple sentences, who is better, Rondo or Nash?


Nash is a better shooter, and each are equally brilliant distributors. Rondo is a better athlete though and a world-class defender, so Rondo.

10. What NBA player do you compare your basketball game to?


I might need some help on this. I can shoot very well but only if I’m wide open. If I am open, I have three-point range easy. Good closeouts neutralize me though. I have a good right and left hand floater off the bounce. I have good footwork in the post with turnaround hooks and multiple up-and under moves—I have on more than one occasion caused someone to say that a move I performed was Olajuwonesque. This, even though I may be the scrawniest person alive.


Defensively, I have above-average quickness and long arms and I’m a pretty good perimeter defender. If someone attacks my chest or sets a screen, it’s over for me. I’m also perpetually out of shape and as soft as they come.


I have no idea who this all translates to. I’ll say a 5-11 version of Primoz Brezec cause he sucks.


Chosen One


1. Do you think Smitty is slacking by not starting this topic?


I know, what gives Smitty? Maybe Bounding and Astounding started it as a New York thing?

2. If you could write for one magazine what magazine would it be?


I don’t read sports magazines, is there any hardcore niche NBA magazine? Like something coaches would read?


3. Dream job?


I’d love to be an NBA columnist for any site. There’s no real dream job though. With this economy, any job is a dream job.


4. #1 thing on your bucket list?


I’d love to someday write a novel.

5. Favorite place to eat at?


There’s this Italian restaurant in Manhattan called Three of Cups. Good linguine.


6. Why do you talk in the third person?


Cause Erick Blasco does what Erick Blasco’s got to do. Do you have a problem with how Erick Blasco talks? Cause Erick Blasco won’t stop. He’ll just change his name to Rutherford B. Fragglerock and then Rutherford B. Fragglerock will do what Rutherford B. Fragglerock’s got to do.


7. Do you have a job? is so what is it?


I freelance for amNew york (two articles a year for about $125...you know I’m living at home) and I help manage a café on campus stocking, flirting, and making sure things don’t blow up.

8. If Yao comes back healthy Houston is a top 3 team in the west?


I don’t think so. There’s a lot of quality out West and Houston’s defense has suffered. They have a weird mix of tough guy role players and pretty boy scorers. They should be a playoff team, but the Lakers aren’t going anywhere, the Thunder could be dangerous, and one of the beasts out West should be better than the Rockets.


Plus, for all we know, LeBron could go to Dallas or Portland or Phoenix for no reason and make these teams title contenders.


9. John Wall will be ROTY?


I have no idea. I don’t watch enough college games, and when I do, the talent disparities make it hard to project. Wall could be Derrick Rose, he could be Rajon Rondo, or he could be Shaun Livingston. I don’t know.


10. Who will end with a better career Rose, Wall, or Evans?


Rose is more athletic than Evans and about as tough. Plus his jumper is better. I’ll say Rose. I have no idea how good Wall will be. Seriously. No idea.





1.) Favorite sport besides basketball?


To watch? College football for the pageantry. To play? Football. That and Ultimate Frisbee


2.) Dream car?


I don’t drive, nor do I ever want to, so I’ll say an R train that comes on time.

3.) Chance that Joe Johnson re-signs with Atlanta(in %)?


I don’t know. I don’t hang out with the guy or know his value system. He seemed upset at the fans so maybe he leaves. I’ll say there’s a 49% chance he stays.

4.) Facebook or MySpace?




5.) Firefox or Google Chrome?







1. Best Tool album?


Lateralus is more biblical than the bible in terms of maxims on how people should live their life.


2. Best Tool song?




3. Is Maynard a bit of a tool?


It’s hard to be a tool when you create music that’s often about individuals improving themselves and transcending the drawbacks of human nature. Maynard is the antithesis of being a tool.


4. What's your philosophy on life?


Find a way to balance things that are good for you, for your friends, and for the greater good. Never stand in the way of people who work hard for a just cause. Be positively amazed at how wonderful the world and existence can be. Be responsible, yet have fun whenever possible. Find something you love doing and do it the best you possibly can in ways that can positively impact others. Life isn’t that hard.


5. Do you want to travel?


I distrust people who don’t want to travel.


6. If you could be drafted to any NBA team, which one would you choose?


Miami or any of the Los Angeles teams, so I can spend half the year in South Beach or half the year in Hollywood.





Derrick Favors or DeMarcus Cousins?


I honestly have no idea who Derrick Favors is. No clue. If you put up his picture, I’d have no idea who he is.


If Blake Griffin were in the draft this year, where do you think he would be selected?


No idea. First? He’s supposed to be good.

For the Nets: Avery Johnson, Mark Jackson or Tom Thibodeau?


Mark Jackson is a dunce with too rigid a view on the game. Tom Thibodeau is used to being an assistant to veteran teams. He might be too harsh for a young Nets team. Johnson has charisma, character, and know-how. He’s the best of those candidates.

Do you think there are better realistic candidates for the coaching spot outside of the three listed above?


Kevin Harlan would always instruct his players to “have no regard for human life!” But then again, he’s not a coach. Byron Scott isn’t good with youngsters, and might not be better than Johnson. I think Van Gundy loves being a broadcaster. If Mike Brown gets fired, he’d bring the Nets to respectability—and might bring LeBron. Sam Mitchell might be better without Colangelo imposing his flawed beliefs on him. But AJ is the top candidate.


Do you think Prokhorov will have a positive, insignificant, or negative effect on the Nets?


The Nets have never captured the media and the fans in the Tri-State area. Unless the Nets are elite, people don’t care enough. Prokhorov brings prestige and media attention which is only a positive. The Nets are boring, and Prokhorov changes that.


Brooklyn Nets or New York Nets?


I’ve lived in Brooklyn since I was 5 so bring the Nets to Brooklyn!


Stick with "Nets" or change the name?


I’d change it. I don’t know to what, but something more imaginative.


If the Nets were to sign a PF to play alongside Lopez, would you prefer Lee or Boozer?


Lopez isn’t athletic so the Nets need an athlete to play alongside Lopez, which Lee is. Neither is an impact defender, both are terrific rebounders and jump shooters, and though Boozer is a better post scorer, Lee is also younger. I’d take Lee.


Is the NBA going uphill or downhill?


If Darius Miles isn’t being declared an elite player, the league is going uphill.

Thoughts on the Barclays Center?


I hope it gets built. It’ll displace some houses but nothing on a massive scale, and will really add a nice element to downtown Brooklyn. I’m for it.



His Greatness

1) Boston over LA in how many games?


I actually think it may be LA over Boston in 7. I’m not sure if Boston can score as efficiently on the Lakers as they have the Cavs and Magic. Gasol may be too quick for Perkins, and I have no confidence in Garnett having a good series.

2) Top 10 players?


Favorite players or best players?


Best players, in no order, LeBron, Kobe, Wade, Durant, Howard, Gasol, Williams, Paul, Rondo, Anthony.


Favorite players, in no order, Tim Duncan, Shane Battier, Deron Williams, Kurt Thomas, Ersan Illyasova, Carl Landry, Udonis Haslem, Joakim Noah, Andre Miller, Steve Nash


3) Favorite and least favorite member?


My favorite members are you, Brandon, Poe, and BFT because they debate well and focus on details. My least favorite member? I don’t know. I’m calling you out Flash!!!

4) Harpring is retired. Who is your favorite active player?


Battier. But I’m not giving up on Harpring yet!


5) West > Nowitzki?


…no. Damn cheap shot.


6) Expert analysis on Mikhail Prokhorov?


He’s the life of the party, and that alone will make the Nets relevant. It also leads into lots of "but not the communist party!" lines.


7) Break down Doug Collins.


Uses arcane stats like points-per-shot when most advanced stats guys use points per possession. Leads me to believe he’s a bit out of touch. Loves Derek Fisher, which he makes perfectly clear during his telecasts. Will point out the obvious, like “we’re down five, but if we made that basket, we’d be down three and it would be a one possession game.” With a young team like that the Sixers, that might be a good thing.


He’s very soft spoken and doesn’t have a fiery personality. His team might tune him out. Knows his basketball principals but isn’t a huge theorist like Van Gundy, nor does he sound like a stickler for details like, say, the Riley school of the Van Gundys, Spoelstra, Rivers, and Tom Thibodeau.


An average coach for an average team.


8) List a few things that OTR may not know about you.


I’m half Filipino. I once threw up in three different train stations in one night (Long Island Iced Teas…sometimes you win, sometimes you lose). I play Magic cards very uncompetitively. I once drank Dos Equis and became The Most Interesting Man in the Room. With my beard, I have been compared to Tom Hanks, Jesus, and Grizzly Adams. The Thin Blue Line is my favorite documentary film. Sometimes I give people random playful karate chops without warning. I have a shirt that says “Chick Magnet” with a picture of a scrawny guy flexing his muscles. Needless to say, I’m very self reflexive.


I have an idea for Jurassic Park 4 about dinosaurs in space. In it, Chris Tucker will be a character but he’ll be played by Chris Rock. I want Chris Tucker to direct the film. I read the unabridged version of Les Miserables. It is my life’s crowning achievement. I once took a girl to see Cloverfield. She got nauseous. I never got a second date. I hate seafood with a passion, though I like calamari.


When I play Call of Duty at parties, I always choose sniper no matter how bad I am at sniping and how small the map is. As a result, my friends will throw games where everyone plays with a sniper in tiny maps. I have an uncanny knack for bumping into Dunkin Donuts, even though I don't often eat donuts or coffee.


I come up with parody songs when I’m bored on the train or at work.


Some of my favorites include:


Aqua Teen Masters Student Force


My name is


The white rascal

The fiasco

Your wit is quick?

Well mine is faster

Joe Dodd is a rock star

Partying hard

Getting dubs from the girls

At the strip bar

King Flemming is royalty

King Flemming is authority

He’s from the Danish shore

Scepter in his paw

Crown on his forehead

And a robe stretched to the flo-oor

Uh. Check-Check it. Yeah.

Uh. Check-check it. Come on,

Cause we are the M.S. team!

Get Patkanian drunk!

Make the MFA’s scream!

Cause we are the M.S. team!

Get Patkanian drunk!

Make the MFA’s scream!


Number One in Cuny, G.




Snack Wrap (Smack That)


I’m really hungry, must head over to McDonald’s

If you want flavor I recommend that you follow.

Cause they got this great thing that only costs a dollar

I take it out, hand it to the cashier

And get myself a:


Snack wrap, I must implore,

Snack wrap, flavor galore,

Snack wrap, I want some more,

Snack wrap, I’ll order four!


Snack wrap, down by the shore

Snack wrap, or out the door

Snack wrap, on the dance floor

Snack wrap, thank you senor!



Anything else?



9) Who killed Biggie and 2Pac?


David Stern and his NBA fashion issues.


10) Do you believe in God?


Good heavens, no. I mean, Good vast emptiness of space, no.




1. How can you not have a favorite team?


I like watching basketball in general, I don’t need to corrupt my viewing of the game by artificially pulling for one team to succeed over another.


2. Most annoying member on OTR?


You for inferring I look like Mr. Bean.


3. Did you cry when OTR got shut down?


I was too busy crying over my final papers.


4. Has anyone said that you look like Mr. Bean


Not once.


5. Whats 58 + 5 X 6^2


I hope it’s 208.

6. What should Mikhail Prokhorov rename the Nets?


I think the New York Nyets is funny, especially if they don’t get an impact free agent.

7. Rockets record next year is _____




8. Favorite cartoon?


Does Robot Chicken count? Arthur used to be my jump off back in the day and Freakazoid was my favorite as a kid.

9. If there were 5 birds on a tree, and you shot one, how many will still be on the tree?


Unless I used a silencer, they’d all probably get scared and fly away, so zero.


10. If you could pimpslap Kingfish, would you do it?


Now why would I do that?



Wade’s World


1. What position do you play in basketball? If you don't play anymore, when you were young?


Never played competitively except for a class my senior year of undergrad and a semester of intramurals. I guess I played the 3 each time.

2. What are your values for players that play basketball?


Try hard, have fun, share the ball.

3. Dwyane Wade is better than Kobe Bryant, agreed?


Not until he develops a jumper.

4. Where is LeBron going?


I have no idea.


5. Where is Wade going?


No idea. I'm not Nostradamus!

Edited by Erick Blasco
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5. Whats 58 + 5 X 6^2


You do the exponent first, which is 36, then you multiply the 5, because we know that you multiply before you add, and that would be 180, then you add the 58 and boom, 238.


Oh no, it's much more embarrassing. I knew the Order of Operations, squared it, got 180. I just said, 180, 58, pssshhh, that's 208. I must be the dumbest person alive.

Edited by Erick Blasco
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I have an idea for Jurassic Park 4 about dinosaurs in space. In it, Chris Tucker will be a character but he’ll be played by Chris Rock. I want Chris Tucker to direct the film.



Good answers. I like that you put some actual thought and effort into them.

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I read the unabridged version of Les Miserables. It is my life’s crowning achievement.


It'd be mine too, but it's just so boring. I feel like I've spoken to you about this before. Speaking of books, one quick question (can be a sentence answer, but a rationale would be great), favourite 20th century novel?

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It'd be mine too, but it's just so boring. I feel like I've spoken to you about this before. Speaking of books, one quick question (can be a sentence answer, but a rationale would be great), favourite 20th century novel?


We have. I always die a little inside when you point out Les Mis as boring. You can always skip his 300 page historical appositives! Though at the end of those asides, there's always some character or event who is introduced to the story which I think is masterful.


The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy series is my favorite 20th Century novel. It's not as elegant as say, The Great Gatzby, but it's brilliantly funny with really witty and clever observations. It's absurdly silly, but it's really smart at the same time. For a second favorite, nothing jumps out too much. Slaughterhouse 5 was terrific, and its an easy read. And I was lucky enough to read Catcher in the Rye when I was 16 (Only 16 year olds love that book) and loved it but I wouldn't want to go back to it. So those are my favorite three if you count all the series of The Guide as one book.


You were looking for a book to read last I recall, what did you choose?

Edited by Erick Blasco
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Great responses. I wish I asked some questions, but I couldn't think of any at the time! Oh well, I think these answers are way more than enough to satisfy anything I could have wanted to know anyway. :lol:


Most people are satisfied to know nothing about me. Glad I could be insightful.

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Of course, I remember that you liked the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. I went to buy it one day and they were unfortunately out. Another series I'd like to have a look at, though.


We have. I always die a little inside when you point out Les Mis as boring. You can always skip his 300 page historical appositives! Though at the end of those asides, there's always some character or event who is introduced to the story which I think is masterful.


I have to admit, I'm not a big fan of the romantic prose novels. Hugo is too romantic in his writing style for me, which is a shame because the next course I'm doing is ninteenth century romanticism so it's going to be a bit of a problem to pay much attention. I also feel like Les Miserables was too obvious at times and that it pushed too hard to end a chapter a little bit too fast while the rest of the novel seemed to drag. A lot of people like Hugo for his 'take' on French law and justice during the period, but as a story, reading from a twenty-first century perspective, it didn't have the same affect on me as it might have if I were reading during the current context or even a few years later.


I must admit though, if I had ever finished it, I would be proud of myself. Unfortunately, I don't have the patience to actually do it.


Slaughterhouse 5 was terrific, and its an easy read.


Loved it. The Tralfamadorian's take on time will always, always make me believe that time is man made and we would be so much better off without it! I have the book laying around somewhere. Must give it a re-read sometime soon.


You were looking for a book to read last I recall, what did you choose?


I went with a few actually. First I re-read Nabokov's Lolita, which never ceases to amaze me. Nabokov is an author I would have loved to have a conversation with. In my opinion, his writing style wont even be matched. He was just fantastic at drawing out every single detail and yet keeping you interested as well. Many have different opinons on the greatest writers: Orwell, Huxley, Tolkien, Lewis, Joyce, Woolfe.. I think it's Nabokov.


As for new books I had a look at. I read Phillip K. Dick's 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep,' which wasn't overly wrong, but definitely a favourite of mine immeditately. I also had a look at 'The Hobbit' and 'The Silmarillion' from Tolkien. Having previously read 'The Lord of the Rings', I was interested in the others. I have to say, for all his praise, I always end up being disappointed by Tolkien. I'm currently reading Gibson's 'Neuromancer,' (admitedly for university) and am hating every bit of it. It's so recent in it's dialogue and context that it disgusts me that authors like Gibson are even allowed to be published. Apparently, Gibson does have good insight into the similarities between humanity and technology. I just see garbage, to be honest.



If you have any other good 19th/20th C books you want to throw my way, please be my guest. I have holidays coming up and am always looking for new stuff to have a read of. My novel collection is ever expanding. Currently, I've read about 40 novels in the past two years.

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Of course, I remember that you liked the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. I went to buy it one day and they were unfortunately out. Another series I'd like to have a look at, though.




I have to admit, I'm not a big fan of the romantic prose novels. Hugo is too romantic in his writing style for me, which is a shame because the next course I'm doing is ninteenth century romanticism so it's going to be a bit of a problem to pay much attention. I also feel like Les Miserables was too obvious at times and that it pushed too hard to end a chapter a little bit too fast while the rest of the novel seemed to drag. A lot of people like Hugo for his 'take' on French law and justice during the period, but as a story, reading from a twenty-first century perspective, it didn't have the same affect on me as it might have if I were reading during the current context or even a few years later.


I must admit though, if I had ever finished it, I would be proud of myself. Unfortunately, I don't have the patience to actually do it.




Loved it. The Tralfamadorian's take on time will always, always make me believe that time is man made and we would be so much better off without it! I have the book laying around somewhere. Must give it a re-read sometime soon.




I went with a few actually. First I re-read Nabokov's Lolita, which never ceases to amaze me. Nabokov is an author I would have loved to have a conversation with. In my opinion, his writing style wont even be matched. He was just fantastic at drawing out every single detail and yet keeping you interested as well. Many have different opinons on the greatest writers: Orwell, Huxley, Tolkien, Lewis, Joyce, Woolfe.. I think it's Nabokov.


As for new books I had a look at. I read Phillip K. Dick's 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep,' which wasn't overly wrong, but definitely a favourite of mine immeditately. I also had a look at 'The Hobbit' and 'The Silmarillion' from Tolkien. Having previously read 'The Lord of the Rings', I was interested in the others. I have to say, for all his praise, I always end up being disappointed by Tolkien. I'm currently reading Gibson's 'Neuromancer,' (admitedly for university) and am hating every bit of it. It's so recent in it's dialogue and context that it disgusts me that authors like Gibson are even allowed to be published. Apparently, Gibson does have good insight into the similarities between humanity and technology. I just see garbage, to be honest.



If you have any other good 19th/20th C books you want to throw my way, please be my guest. I have holidays coming up and am always looking for new stuff to have a read of. My novel collection is ever expanding. Currently, I've read about 40 novels in the past two years.


I actually read Electric Sheep recently and didn't like it. I think the concept for the story was great...I think the writing was bland.


Maybe if there were 200 page asides to Android Law, I'd have enjoyed it more.


I don't think there's any color to Electric Sheep. It's very terse in how it reads, or at least in how I read it, and it eliminates the pleasure in reading it.


I've wanted to read Nabokov for awhile now, but always went with something else. Lolita's a classic though, I'm not surprised you enjoyed it.


I've also never heard of the Neuromancer (I don't read as much as you do, not nearly so. I've read maybe 5 books the past year), and don't read many modern novels. I don't think I've read anything published in the 2000's. If I ever get hold of something good, I'll let you know!

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10. What NBA player do you compare your basketball game to?


I might need some help on this. I can shoot very well but only if I’m wide open. If I am open, I have three-point range easy. Good closeouts neutralize me though. I have a good right and left hand floater off the bounce. I have good footwork in the post with turnaround hooks and multiple up-and under moves—I have on more than one occasion caused someone to say that a move I performed was Olajuwonesque. This, even though I may be the scrawniest person alive.


Defensively, I have above-average quickness and long arms and I’m a pretty good perimeter defender. If someone attacks my chest or sets a screen, it’s over for me. I’m also perpetually out of shape and as soft as they come.


I have no idea who this all translates to. I’ll say a 5-11 version of Primoz Brezec cause he sucks.


I lol'ed. Good stuff Erick.

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Guys, when the world presents an opportunity to ask me question, you gotta get on it. You only get this privilege once! Now I'm slipping back into my shadowy realm where people don't know who my favorite team is.




To be honest, I knew nothing about you before this. I'm glad it was your turn! You're a funny guy.

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