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Philadelphia Phillies 2009!!


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Hate to say I called it, but I was scared [expletive]less to see them go to Lidge tonight. First time all year I think that he has pitched on 4 straight days. Granted, the defense behind him was absolutely brutal yet again, but Lidge actually did get hit very hard tonight. His location was way off (I know, I am captain obvious with that one).


Whatever, first time since the Cubs game 2 weeks ago that he looked like absolute [expletive] out there. I guess being horrible once every two weeks is a step in the right direction for him, but Jesus he needs to get back on track. He is literally the only option to close right now, unless Brett Myers comes back and looks like he hasn't missed a beat, but who knows if that will happen.

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Cole Hamels is pitching tonight. Could tonight be the night he takes a step in the right direction? I sure as hell hope so.


Also, I read a really good article today about Lidge/the closer situation in general (http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/phillies/ in case anybody was wondering). It is my thoughts exactly. Basically, it says that having an effective closer is very important, but the idea that you need a "dominant" one (aka Rivera, Papelbon, Rodriguez, Lidge of last season) is overrated. It is very possible to find a good closer in the "scrap heap", if you will. The Marlins are notorious for this, and they have typically had success with their closers (although they have had issues this year). When they won to the World Series in 2003, they did not make Ugueth Urbina their closer until mid September. Also, Kevin Gregg worked out pretty well for them in that role the past couple years, and they put him into that role out of nowhere.


With the large amount of relief pitchers due off the DL in the next few weeks (Brett Myers, Clay Condrey, JC Romero), it will definitely be possible to find a potential short term replacement for Lidge should these issues continue. Word is that Brett Myers has looked dominant in his rehab appearances, and his velocity is as high as it's been since 2007. If this is the case, I would give him first shot at the job. My sleeper candidate is Tyler Walker, because he has been good so far this year and he has experience closing. Also, his current role is not exactly vital, so it would not really shake up the rest of the bullpen, like it would if we took Ryan Madson or Chan Ho Park out of their current roles to make them closers. Madson is dominant as the setup man, and Park's ability to either set up if Madson needs a day off, or to throw multiple innings is huge.

Edited by Phightins09
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Hamels was dealing tonight. Best he has looked in a long time. Also, not sure if the gun in Pittsburgh is defective, but he was clocked at 97 on a few fastballs, and he consistently was hitting 95-96. If that is true, I'd imagine that'd make his changeup even more lethal. If he can continue to locate his fastball like he was doing tonight, I think he can get back on track.

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What are the Mets fans going to say? We are starting our AAA roster and are we supposed to talk trash like we are better than the Phillies? So what if you go to Washington do you expect them to talk trash to you as well? Don't worry come back up next year when it's actually a race and you'll get what you are looking for.

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What are the Mets fans going to say? We are starting our AAA roster and are we supposed to talk trash like we are better than the Phillies? So what if you go to Washington do you expect them to talk trash to you as well? Don't worry come back up next year when it's actually a race and you'll get what you are looking for.


I was pleasantly surprised, honestly. I suppose the Mets fans who go to the games are not the same people as the jerkoffs on the internet who flex their internet muscles still despite the fact that the team is so awful.

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What are the Mets fans going to say? We are starting our AAA roster and are we supposed to talk trash like we are better than the Phillies? So what if you go to Washington do you expect them to talk trash to you as well? Don't worry come back up next year when it's actually a race and you'll get what you are looking for.


The Sixers suck and I still talk trash to the Laker/Magic fans at the games and make sure that they are not welcome in the stadium. I was expecting a little more hostility from "the biggest rivalry in the National League".


And if I get the oppurtunity I'm going to go next year and do the same exact thing. Also lol @ "Good luck on the 7 train if your wearing phillies gear". Not one comment.

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the mets were playing against their rivals who kept them out of the playoffs the past 2 years. they are playing them in their home stadium. it doesnt matter how good or bad your team is doing, the mets fans just bent over and took it from every phillies fan

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Matchups for Braves series:


Tonight: Pedro Martinez vs. Tommy Hanson

Saturday: Cliff Lee vs. Derek Lowe

Sunday: Joe Blanton vs. Jair Jurrjens (ESPN game)


This is all barring rain, of course. The area is supposed to get hit hard this weekend.

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It is pouring right now. I see very little chance that they play tonight. Tomorrow night is supposed to be even worse, though. Maybe they will try to play through it tonight.

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I think it's some type of tropical storm or something. I am just pissed that they started the game and delayed it in the 2nd. I am no weather man but I could have told you it was going to be pouring soon after the game started. So instead, Pedro and Hanson throw their warmup pitches and throw 2 innings, and now they are both done for the night because of this long delay. Should have just waited it out.

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Season-high 8 game lead in the division.


But that was disappointing to see Pedro get knocked out because of the rain. Out of his 4 starts, this is the 2nd time he has been [expletive]ed over by the rain. Moyer came in and was awesome, but I still would have liked to see how far Pedro could have gone. We all know he can be lights out for 3 or 4 innings, but I think all Phillies fans are waiting to see just how far he can get.

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Here's what I don't get, how come Pedro is "done for the game" if theres a rain delay after those first two innings. I don't get why he can't just get back in after the delay. Lukcily for the Phillies though those kind of situations work in their favor since they have Moyer.


Lidge looked really good too. Just finished watching the replay. That's great to see.

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Here's what I don't get, how come Pedro is "done for the game" if theres a rain delay after those first two innings. I don't get why he can't just get back in after the delay. Lukcily for the Phillies though those kind of situations work in their favor since they have Moyer.


Lidge looked really good too. Just finished watching the replay. That's great to see.


Because if you get your arm all warmed up and ready for the game, then just sit around idle for an hour, then try to get it loosened up again, that's how you [expletive] up your shoulder and your elbow. Remember, these guys are not just lobbing the ball out there, the abuse they put on their arms is crazy. Just look at Josh Johnson of the Marlins. Two years ago, the Marlins manager at the time (Joe Girardi) left him in the game after a long rain delay, and Johnson wound up blowing out his elbow and needing Tommy John surgery. That actually lost Girardi his job, lots of people say. Anyway, I do not know all the technical stuff, but it is very dangerous, especially for an older guy like Pedro. Even younger guys too, as evident with Johnson, and the fact that Bobby Cox did not want to risk it and pulled Tommy Hanson from the game.


But, the bottom line is, pitching arms are hands down the most fragile body part in any professional sport. There was an article in Sports Illustrated a year or two ago about pitching mechanics, and what these guys put their arms through while pitching is just scary.

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2 of 3 from Atlanta and an 8 game lead in the division heading into September. Pretty solid shape, I'd say. The offense is still not hitting on all cylinders, but a series win against a team chasing us is a good thing no matter how you spin it.


Matchups for Giants series:

Tuesday: Cole Hamels vs. Jonathan Sanchez

Wednesday: JA Happ vs. Tim Lincecum

Thursday: Pedro Martinez vs. Barry Zito


Will be a tough week.

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the mets were playing against their rivals who kept them out of the playoffs the past 2 years. they are playing them in their home stadium. it doesnt matter how good or bad your team is doing, the mets fans just bent over and took it from every phillies fan

You guys had butt sex during the game? [expletive] why didn't anyone call me?

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Alright, revised pitching matchups:


Tomorrow: Cole Hamels vs. Jonathan Sanchez

Wednesday: JA Happ vs. Brad Penny

Thursday: Pedro Martinez vs. Tim Lincecum


I don't think the Giants have officially announced that Penny is pitching on Wednesday but it's looking like he will.

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