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Tips for passing drug test?


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:rock: We know what it is being from the NJ/NY area.


As for everyone calling me an idiot for smoking 2 weeks ago or whatever, you have NO idea wtf I've gone through in my life, why I make the decisions I do, etc... This thread was made to hear some helpful tips to pass a drug test for someone in my position, not to hear a bunch of whiney D.A.R.E [expletive]es preaching to me. I know it wasn't a smart move to smoke 2 weeks ago, and I acknowledged that to start the topic off. Reiterating that point over and over again while giving useless information to someone in my situation is pointless and annoying. And if you think this topic is pointless and annoying, ignore it. Don't litter it with a bunch of bull[expletive].


lmao @ this post.

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Yeah..that's exactly why he's asking for advice on how to pass it.


Some of you guys are so wtf...he's asking for help, and ya'll are like nah you deserve to fail itt! Don't post in the thread if you aint gunna help him out.

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Nice work on not contributing anything 3 times in a row, you guys are actually idiots.

Nah brah, I think the idiot is the one who got high when he knew a drug test was coming up.


And Force, obviously not smoking pot is the best tip for passing a drug test. Sure going through all that detox and [expletive] might work, but staying abstinent is also the best way to not get pregnant, if you needed a better example.

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If you read my post you'd realize abstinence is futile at this point. No help whatsoever. To go with a similar analogy to yours, it's like me asking where I should hide a gun after I killed someone, and you responding, "Don't kill someone and you wouldn't have to hide the gun." No [expletive].

This pre much says everything i think right now.

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lets have heroin dealers by our schools lulzolulz


Wait, what? Who is comparing marijuana to heroin?


But seriously, the amount of time it takes to pass out of your system varies from person to person. Some people should be fine in a couple weeks, other people take a month or longer.

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Wait, what? Who is comparing marijuana to heroin?


But seriously, the amount of time it takes to pass out of your system varies from person to person. Some people should be fine in a couple weeks, other people take a month or longer.

Ty thinks it's a terrible idea to test people for drugs.. IMO it's pretty hard to catch someone on drugs if you can't test them.

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Nah brah, I think the idiot is the one who got high when he knew a drug test was coming up.


And Force, obviously not smoking pot is the best tip for passing a drug test. Sure going through all that detox and [expletive] might work, but staying abstinent is also the best way to not get pregnant, if you needed a better example.


lol you're a moron.

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Looking at this topic again, you definitely deserved to fail the drug test you knew was coming up in just two weeks.


lol while he was out socially toking and chilling with friends, you were compiling your newest Call of Duty mash up. You jealous?

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lol you're a moron.

Nah brah, I'd be a moron if I smoked 2 weeks before a drug test I knew I was going to take.

Or, if I got drunk and knew I had to drive home.

Or, if I blew my load inside of a girl and didn't expect her to get pregnant.

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Your plan should work, Nitro. However, I kinda agree with the guys one here in the sense that if you knew you had this test coming up then you should've just waited until after the test to light one up. Good luck with your test.

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THC is fat soluble, so depending on your body fat it might stay in longer, but like JYD said you should be fine for 2 weeks. When I was nervous about mine I just exercised alot and went in a sauna to try and sweat it out and just took normal vitamins and passed it fine. That detox stuff might work but they might make u retake that [expletive] if its to diluted from all that water you drank. Just pound water all day everyday until ur piss date. I have also heard that Niacin can cover it up, my buddy drank like 5 5hour energys to clean himself out lmao but yeah. honestly you should be fine though. good luck man

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If OC stands for oxycotton, I'd suggest you stop doing those.


It does, and I know.


Anyway, I had the test today and they [expletive]ing COTTON SWABBED ME! I stayed up all god damn night, drank so much water and crap that I puked an hour before the test, got to the test with a full bladder and they didn't even give me a urine test. However, the swab test works in my favor because it can only detect THC in your system if you smoked about within a week of the test. Think I'll be fine. Next appointment, assuming I didn't fail the test, is April 7th (which is a very, very long time...I was stunned).

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^Yikes, I hope you passed.


Some of you guys need to calm down though. I don't do drugs or support the idea of doing it but its Nitro's choice. And I don't know about the rest of you but I would rather not have one of our better posters fail a drug test.

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After thinking about it more, I'd like to take back the part where I said I hope you fail your drug test. If I was in your position, I wouldn't want anyone to wish that on me. I do still think you're an idiot for smoking knowing you had a drug test a couple weeks later but I hope you don't fail. I don't know what you've been through in your life and obviously you smoke weed to help calm yourself (or whatever). Just be smart about it man, don't smoke when you know you've got a drug test coming up. I'm sorry for saying you deserve to fail.

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my point on no one should be drug tested was more along the lines of marijuana. if the dude wants to smoke some weed let him is more what i was sayin

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After thinking about it more, I'd like to take back the part where I said I hope you fail your drug test. If I was in your position, I wouldn't want anyone to wish that on me. I do still think you're an idiot for smoking knowing you had a drug test a couple weeks later but I hope you don't fail. I don't know what you've been through in your life and obviously you smoke weed to help calm yourself (or whatever). Just be smart about it man, don't smoke when you know you've got a drug test coming up. I'm sorry for saying you deserve to fail.

I feel the same way about child rapists. Small world.

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