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GM5: Miami at Chicago (MIA 3-1)


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I thought Spo should have been gone at the beginning of the season, and for good reason; the team was dysfunctional, not performing, and he refused to implement offensive sets until over a month into the season (and no, it wasn't that they weren't running the plays, he admitted he didn't implent them before the season started). Luckily for him, the team pulled together, started performing, and he finally started to make the kind of adjustments that win you a championship.


Give him credit for focusing on other things. He still doesn't run a great offense (though they have a corner screen into high ball screen philosophy), but you can make up for that with overwhelming talent.


He got them to buy into defense (look at what he's done to Chris Bosh! Who is this guy!), he never panicked when the team struggled, he never pointed fingers at his players (even during the LeBron bump early in the season), yet he also never coddled them.


The Heat stars aren't perfectionist self-sacrificers like KG and Ray Allen (Pierce is a bit of a showman), and they came with a lot of bad habits. Those habits began to be erased as the season wore on, and the finished product is excellent.

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Lol...Any NBA coach could bring this team to where they are now. He hasn't done anything special.


But I will credit where credit's due, Congrats to Spoelstra for leading them here and like I've said all season the Heat will represent the East in the Finals.


He's installed an exceptional defense, that isn't easy to do. I shudder to think where the Heat would be with Mike D'Antoni as coach.

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Finally, there is one huge difference between Westbrook and Rose. Westbrook is the point guard on a team with a superstar. Rose doesn't have that luxury. Plus Rose, for all his misgivings, runs the offense. He's score-first, but he doesn't often abort plays. I feel Rose has the maturity to improve, but Westbrook is still a major work in process.

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I would be lying if I told you I'm not angry for seeing the Heat meet any sort of success. After this series, I truly can't stand LeBron or the complete disregard by NBA referees to call or not call fouls on a consistent basis or even a couple travels for shits sake. With that said, the Heat got hot (no pun intended) at the right time and learned to play as a team when it mattered. This will be the first of many NBA Finals appearances for this team, and they are a couple of role players away from becoming a dynasty. LeBron, even after all his whining and his arrogance, is bar none the best player in the NBA and no one will come close to him in the next decade. As a fan of a small market team, who will never dream of seeing my team hit the lottery in free agency, I'm upset with the outcome, but I have to face the facts. The Heat are damn good and here to stay.

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LeBron never got hit in the mouth, and Wade was barely touched going to the hole at the end.


Are you talking about when he lost the dribble behind his back? If so I just saw it on ESPN Ronnie Brewer wacked him across the face.


Shitty calls are part of the game... those calls did not choke the game away for the Bulls.

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He got them to buy into defense (look at what he's done to Chris Bosh! Who is this guy!)

I never really considered Bosh a horrible defensive player. I just think Toronto used him improperly, played him out of position quite a bit, and wanted him to be some kind of defensive anchor. The gap between the two (having to defend your man, at your natural position, and being a defensive anchor and in the wrong position) is far, far too wide for someone like Bosh.


LeBron, Wade, Anthony and even Haslem (now) are great guys to have by your side on the defensive end. They are definitely making life easier for Bosh. It's one thing to defend Boozer with Derrick Rose attacking the rim, but when you have athletic freaks flying into the lane and contesting everything, you can stick with your own assignment, and that's why the Heat can get away with playing somewhat small.

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Are you talking about when he lost the dribble behind his back? If so I just saw it on ESPN Ronnie Brewer wacked him across the face.


Shitty calls are part of the game... those calls did not choke the game away for the Bulls.

Nah, that was definitely a foul. There was a play where someone (I think it was Rose) tried to get a ball that LeBron was fumbling, and it looked like the ball almost hit LeBron in the face when he tried to pull it up quickly. Rose's hand was on the other side of the ball, and I don't think he even hit it, let alone LeBron's face.


Then LeBron gave him the same delay and flop that Bosh gave Boozer earlier in the season.


But yeah, it didn't lose the game for Chicago.

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It's still a successful season for the Bulls despite a terrible series. Gar Forman have some work to do in the offseason though, the team needs a SG like JR Smith, someone who can make tough shots and play defense.

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Are you talking about when he lost the dribble behind his back? If so I just saw it on ESPN Ronnie Brewer wacked him across the face.


Shitty calls are part of the game... those calls did not choke the game away for the Bulls.

To add to the other reply I gave you...



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bulls look so much like thunder, imo they still need someone who can score in the post just like the thunder do. I thought boozer would be that guy but he is dam right horrible. maybe he had a bad playoff stretch? i dunno, but god his awful

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He's installed an exceptional defense, that isn't easy to do. I shudder to think where the Heat would be with Mike D'Antoni as coach.

Ok, well, besides D'Antoni. He's not a normal NBA coach. His style differs from most coaches out there. I'm talking about coaches like Doc Rivers, Stan Van Gundy, Scottie Brooks, Rick Carlisle, Linel Hollands. I'm sure any of those coaches could've taken them to this point. A lot rests on the players performance man, and LeBron has played very very well in these playoffs. It has nothing to do with Spoelstra. I'll give him credit for reaching this point - absolutely deserves credit for it....but many coaches could take this roster to this spot.


And it's funny how much hate Rose is getting here. He got beat by the better team. They have Wade, LeBron and Bosh. There's not much Rose can do 3 on 1. I mean, I'm sorry, but when you look down this Bulls roster there just isn't enough support on this team for Rose when he plays against a great team like Miami, and I think they would've lost to Boston too.

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And it's funny how much hate Rose is getting here. He got beat by the better team. They have Wade, LeBron and Bosh. There's not much Rose can do 3 on 1. I mean, I'm sorry, but when you look down this Bulls roster there just isn't enough support on this team for Rose when he plays against a great team like Miami, and I think they would've lost to Boston too.


It's not about the Bulls losing to the Heat, it's how poorly Rose has played individually...from horrible shooting percentages every game, to poor decision making, to awful defense, to choking in the clutch. And it wasn't just in the Miami series, either. He shot under 40% overall for the entire post-season, with the Pacers and Hawks not exactly being elite defenses.

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Give him credit for focusing on other things. He still doesn't run a great offense (though they have a corner screen into high ball screen philosophy), but you can make up for that with overwhelming talent.


He got them to buy into defense (look at what he's done to Chris Bosh! Who is this guy!), he never panicked when the team struggled, he never pointed fingers at his players (even during the LeBron bump early in the season), yet he also never coddled them.


The Heat stars aren't perfectionist self-sacrificers like KG and Ray Allen (Pierce is a bit of a showman), and they came with a lot of bad habits. Those habits began to be erased as the season wore on, and the finished product is excellent.


To be fair any big will look worse defensively playing next to Bargs, with Jose letting every point past him with ease, and Anthony Parker being the best wing defender you ever played with, who is solid at best.

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Ok, well, besides D'Antoni. He's not a normal NBA coach. His style differs from most coaches out there. I'm talking about coaches like Doc Rivers, Stan Van Gundy, Scottie Brooks, Rick Carlisle, Linel Hollands. I'm sure any of those coaches could've taken them to this point. A lot rests on the players performance man, and LeBron has played very very well in these playoffs. It has nothing to do with Spoelstra. I'll give him credit for reaching this point - absolutely deserves credit for it....but many coaches could take this roster to this spot.


And it's funny how much hate Rose is getting here. He got beat by the better team. They have Wade, LeBron and Bosh. There's not much Rose can do 3 on 1. I mean, I'm sorry, but when you look down this Bulls roster there just isn't enough support on this team for Rose when he plays against a great team like Miami, and I think they would've lost to Boston too.


Rivers and Van Gundy are Riley disciples who preach the exact same things. Rivers is a terrific motivator and ego manager and would be fine, though LeBron might easily tune out Van Gundy and his tendency to panic.


Scott Brooks' strength is his ability to appeal to such a young team. His constant optimism and inattention to detail would probably be tuned out by LeBron. I don't think LeBron would take Brooks seriously.


Hollins is a man of integrity, character, and patience, and is a sound tactician, and managed Allen Iverson, Zach Randolph, and O.J. Mayo perfectly. He'd probably work.


Carlisle too, because Carlisle is an upper echelon coach.


You, yourself, are bringing in aberrant cases---the coaches who have had the best success this year, but many other good coaches may not have worked.


Larry Brown's micromanaging and megalomania might have driven LeBron insane, like he did Stephon Marbury.


Ditto for Scott Skiles.


Jerry Sloan is too stubborn to adapt and too rigid to appeal to superstars.


Byron Scott doesn't motivate players.


So on and so forth. A lesser coach, and the 2011 Heat could've been a disaster.

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To be fair any big will look worse defensively playing next to Bargs, with Jose letting every point past him with ease, and Anthony Parker being the best wing defender you ever played with, who is solid at best.


Bosh never defended screens with the discipline and tenacity he defends with on the Heat. His own, isolated, individual defense is worlds better. This is a testament to Spoelstra's constant emphasis on defense and defensive detail, the rigor of his practices, and his ability to get people to actually improve.


The credit then goes to Bosh for implementing this stuff. Thibodeau did the same thing in Chicago---but Carlos Boozer never improved his defense much, and it was one of Chicago's undoings. Bump Bosh up a couple of pegs and slide Boozer down.


For all the heaping criticism placed on Rose for getting destroyed by the best player in the game, Boozer was abysmal against Bosh and friends.

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So be it, another Heat-Mavs in the Finals. I hope those Finals will be great (obviously...).


Fun fact, those two teams have each only be to the Finals twice (including this one so) in their (short) history, and they faced each other both times. Weird..


Well this time Dallas is overall a better team. And Dirk is a better leader than he was at the time. So the Mavs have a very strong chance to win it all. Definitely. I'm personally very glad to see the Mavs back into the Finals as, first Dirk is my favorite player, second I don't know how many times I've said that Dirk was up there with Bryant as one of the very best leaders in the league and one of the most clutch ones also. Because the fact is that, everyone's praising Dirk right now, but he was already this good those past couple of years. And CLEARLY the best PF in the game. Seriously I don't know how many times I had debates about this, especially last year when a lot of people were trying to convince me that Gasol was clearly better than him... And I'm glad that now everyone knows better. Although it's just sad that most people didn't realize that before, when he didn't have as good teammates...


Well anyhow Dallas is better than they were at the time but the fact is that Miami is too... In 2006 the Mavs were clearly better than Miami. The Heat had chemistry problems all year long and it wasn't surprising to see Dallas literally dominated them in the first two games. The only problem is that Dallas wasn't tough enough in their heads, and Dirk was not as clutch as he is now, so when the Heat got game 3 in money time the Mavs just lost their confidence. And started to struggle, this despite the fact that they were the better team. This time both teams are better than they were at the time (which is good news, we should have a great Finals) but still the fact is that, even if everyone is high on their D, the Heat didn't face even ONE team that is even close to the Mavs offensively. And Dirk is so hot... There's no one in Miami who can stop him. I'm sure of that. It's against Dallas that we're gonna see if the Heat defense is REALLY that good. The Heat got a strong chance to win as well, don't get me wrong, but right now I give the edge to Dallas nonetheless as the favorite to win it all, because they faced overall better teams. Let's face it the Heat faced a Sixers team who is for me the less good team of the playoffs, a C's team that was clearly too old, that didn't have Perk nor Shaq, and a Bulls team who was clearly not as good as they were in the regular season, this first because of Rose struggling the whole playoffs (yet everyone agrees that if the Bulls were that good this year, it was FIRST thanks to him), yet all their wins were close ones (except one game against Phila). So they've played very well, but it's still at the same time not THAT impressive to be honest. While the Mavs had to play against a very good Blazers team, the Lakers (they were not at their best but they were stil the champs, SWEEPING them the way they did is very impressive nonetheless) and a Thunder team who, even if they still lack of something to be a true ring contender IMO, were still a very good team. Besides the Mavs have been quite good offensively AND defensively, the same can't be said for Miami who's been very good defensively but their offense haven't been as impressive. So Dallas has been IMO the most impressive team of the playoffs so far.


Anyhow it's great to see Dirk having a second chance to win a ring this year and I really hope for him that he's gonna win it this year. Honestly if the Mavs lost a second time to Miami I'll be devastated... I think I'll just cut my dick off and [expletive] myself in the ass !!! :D


Let's go Mavs !!!

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Anyhow it's great to see Dirk having a second chance to win a ring this year and I really hope for him that he's gonna win it this year. Honestly if the Mavs lost a second time to Miami I'll be devastated... I think I'll just cut my dick off and [expletive] myself in the ass !!! :D


Well that's going to be a painful situation for you

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Anyhow it's great to see Dirk having a second chance to win a ring this year and I really hope for him that he's gonna win it this year. Honestly if the Mavs lost a second time to Miami I'll be devastated... I think I'll just cut my dick off and [expletive] myself in the ass !!! :D



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